


Commission Reports

Report of Twelfth Finance Commission


Terms of Reference

Twelfth Finance Commission

Terms of Reference of the Twelfth Finance Commission

Report of the Twelfth Finance Commission (2005-2010)

Twelfth Finance Commission

Chapter No. Chapter Name
Main Page
1 Introduction
2 Issues and Approach
3 Trends in Central and State Finances
4 Restructuring Public Finances
5 Union Finances: Assessment of Revenue and Expenditure
6 State Finances: Assessment of Revenue and Expenditure
7 Sharing of Union Tax Revenues
8 Local Bodies
9 Calamity Relief
10 Grants-in-aid to States
11 Fiscal Reform Facility
12 Debt Position of States: Relief and Corrective Measures
13 Sharing of Profit Petroleum
14 Institutional Changes and Reforms
15 Concluding Observations
16 Summary of Recommendations
Complete Report
अध्याय संख्या अध्याय का नाम
मुख्य पृष्ठ
1 परिचय
2 मुद्दे और दृष्टिकोण
3 केंद्रीय और राज्य वित्त में रुझान
4 सार्वजनिक वित्त का पुनर्गठन
5 केंद्रीय वित्त: राजस्व और व्यय का आकलन
6 राज्य वित्त: राजस्व और व्यय का आकलन
7 संघ कर राजस्व का बंटवाराs
8 स्थानीय निकाय
9 विपत्ति राहत
10 राज्यों को सहायता अनुदान
11 राजकोषीय सुधार सुविधा
12 राज्यों की ऋण स्थिति: राहत और सुधारात्मक उपाय
13 लाभ पेट्रोलियम का बँटवारा
14 संस्थागत परिवर्तन और सुधार
15 समापन टिप्पणियाँ
16 सिफ़ारिशों का सारांश
पूरी रिपोर्ट

Explanatory Memoranda

Twelfth Finance Commission

Explanatory Memorandum on the Action Taken on the Recommendations of the Twelfth Finance Commissions

Study Reports

Innovation / Best Practices in PRIs - Study by NIRD
India's Municipal Sector - Study by NIPFP
Cost of Provision of Sewerage Water Treatment - Study by I.P.E. Pvt. Ltd.
Municipal Solid Waste Management - Study by I.P.E. Pvt. Ltd.
Part 1
Part 2

Fiscal Sustainability of Debt of States- Study by IIM Ahmedabad (Ravindra Dholokia)
Inter State Comparison of HDI - By Sh K. Seeta Prabhu, HDRC, UNDP,India
Prioritzation of subjects for releases of funds to Panchyati Raj Institutions
The Measures needed to augment the Consolidated Fund of the States for supplementing the resources of LOCAL BODIES based on State Finance Commission Reports - By C S Mishra
Enhancing Fiscal Efficiency––Through Federal Fiscal Transfers section - ireview of union and state finances -Prepared for The Twelfth Finance Commission-by V.Srinivasan
Taxes on Commodities and Services in India Estimating Revenue Potential of Harmonized Central and State Taxes-Study by Mahesh C Purohit
A Case for Phasing out the Subsidy Element: Petroleum Products, Food and Fertilisers: A Study for the Twelfth Finance Commission- Study By Prof. K.S. RAMACHANDRAN Economist & Author
Performance of SFCs, Impact of their recommendations & suggested framework for the TFC - Study by K. Siva Subrahmanyam, NIRD.
Measuring Inter-State Differences in Investment Climate-Laveesh Bhandari
State Public sector undertaking (SPSUs) and State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTUs) by Prof. Pranab Banerji & Prof. P.K. Chaubey
SRTU Tables

Functioning of Finance Commissions
Study on State Infrastructure by Nirmal Mohanty
Commercial viability of State Electricity Boards
Estimating Revenue Potential for a Harmonized System of Commodity Taxes in India
Expenditure Efficiency
Functioning of Finance Commissions
Debt-Sustainability/Debt relief
Reducing Technical and Commercial losses in Electricity Distribution
Explicit Subsidies on Petroleum Products, Food and Fertilizers
Investment Climate Index
Study on disinvestment of Public sector Enterprises(PSEs)
Study on Expenditure Management
Paper on "Whether grants in lieu of taxes on railway Passenger Fares can still be given a view the constitution (80th) Amendment act, 2000"
Study on Constitutional Issues
Study on financing disaster Management
Study on Urban Local Bodies
Study on Rural Local Bodies
Viability of state Road Transport Undertakings and other state PSUs
Financial status of the Irrigation Sectors
Study on fiscal sustainability of debt of Gujarat and five other states
Revenue implications introducing Value Added Tax(VAT)
Study on Cost of Provision of Sewerage, Waste Water Treatment and Drainage
Study on Management of Solid Waste in Indian Cities
Approach that the Finance Commission could have towards the Local Bodies for the devolution of resources
Paper on Tax Effort by Centre and the States

Diary of Events

Meeting of Economists & Economic Administrators
18th Feb 2003 Delhi
10th March 2003 Chennai
17th April 2003 Mumbai
8th May 2003 Kolkata
Conference on "Issues before the Twelfth Finance Commission"
National Seminar on Municipal Finance
National Seminar on Panchayati Raj Finance
Workshops on Solid Waste Management in Urban Centres in India
Golden Jubliee of Fiscal Fedralism in India on April 9 - 10, 2003 at Vigyan Bhawan,New Delhi.
1 Inaugural Function
2 Meeting with Finance Ministers of states
3 Meeting with Chairman and Members of Previous Finance Commissions
Sr No Name of the State Dates Meeting with the CM
From To
1. West Bengal 22.07.03 25.07.03 23.07.03
2. Jammu & Kashmir 29.07.03 01.08.03 30.07.03
3. Andhra Pradesh 20.08.03 23.08.03 22.08.03
4. Rajasthan 31.08.03 03.09.03 01.09.03
5. Karnataka 16.09.03 18.09.03 17.09.03
6. Uttaranchal 05.10.03 07.10.03 06.10.03
7. Sikkim 02.11.03 05.11.03 03.11.03
8. Maharashtra 16.11.03 18.11.03 17.11.03
9. Goa 19.11.03 22.11.03 20.11.03
10. Gujarat 30.11.03 02.12.03 01.12.03
11. Himachal Pradesh 11.12.03 13.12.03 12.12.03
12. Kerala 22.12.03 23.12.03 22.12.03
13. Assam 07.01.04 09.01.04 08.01.04
14. Tamil Nadu 02.02.04 03.02.04 02.02.04
15. Orissa 11.02.04 13.02.04 12.02.04
16. Tripura 23.02.04 24.02.04 23.02.04
17. Nagaland 11.05.04 12.05.04 12.05.04
18. Manipur 30.05.04 31.05.04 31.05.04
19. Mizoram 31.05.04 01.06.04 01.06.04
20. Meghalaya 01.06.04 02.06.04 02.06.04
21. Madhya Pradesh 07.06.04 09.06.04 09.06.04
22. Arunachal Pradesh 20.06.04 21.06.04 21.06.04
23. Chattisgarh 07.07.04 09.07.04 08.07.04
24. Uttar Pradesh 14.07.04 16.07.04 15.07.04
25. Punjab 22.07.04 23.07.04 23.07.04
26. Haryana 23.07.04 24.07.04 24.07.04
27. Jharkhand 28.07.04 29.07.04 28.07.04
28. Bihar 29.07.04 30.07.04 30.07.04

Fiscal Profiles of States

Sources of Data
Mid-Year Population (in '000)
GSDP Comparable
GSDP Comparable (This table is used to work out various ratios)
Committed Expenditure (Interest Payment+Pension+Total Salary Expenditure [Plan & Non-Plan])
Aid to Local Bodies for Salary (Plan & Non-Plan)
Aid to Educational Institutions for Salary (Plan & Non-Plan)
Salary Expenditure (Plan & Non-Plan)- Government Employees
Total Salary Expenditure (Plan & Non-Plan) (Govt. Employee+Educaional Institutions+Local Bodies)
Others (Reserve Funds + Deposits)
Borrowings (ID+CL+PF) (as on 31st March)
Total Liabilities Outstanding (as on 31st March)
Primary Revenue Surplus/Deficit
Primary Surplus/Deficit
Fiscal Surplus/Deficit
Revenue Surplus/Deficit
Total Expenditure
Capital Outlay
Loan and Advances
Capital Expenditure (Capital Outlay and Loan & Advances)
Total Revenue Expenditure
Plan Revenue Expenditure
Compensation & Assignments to Local Bodies - Non-Plan
Other Economic Services - Non-Plan
Road Transport (3055) - Non-Plan
Power (2801) - Non-Plan
Roads & Bridges (3054) - Non-Plan
Irrigation (2701 & 2702) - Non-Plan
Economic Services - Non-Plan
Other Social Services - Non-Plan
Buildings (2216 & 2059) - Non-Plan
Health (2210 & 2211) - Non-Plan
Education (2202 to 2205) - Non-Plan
Social Services - Non-Plan
Other General Services (Excluding Lottery) - Non-Plan
Pension Payments - Non-Plan
Interest Payments - Non-Plan
General Services - Non-Plan
Non Plan Revenue Expenditure [Excluding Lottery]
Total Receipts (Revenue Receipts+Non-debt Capital Receipts)
Non Debt Capital Receipts (NDCR)
Total Revenue Receipts
Plan Grants
Non Finance Commission Non-Plan Grants
Finance Commission Grants
Total Grants
Share in Taxes and Duties
Total Central Transfer
States Own Revenue-SOR
Other Economic Services
Other Social Services
Other General Services (Excluding Lottery)
Lottery (Net)
Irrigation (Major, Medium & Minor)
Forestry & Wild Life
Royalty (Petroleum, Coal & Lignite and Metallurgical Industries)
Interest Receipts
Own-Non Tax Revenue [Include Net Lottery]
Own Tax Revenue
Aggregate of All States
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal

Public Call For Suggestions

Notice Issued
Economists Suggestions
Memoranda From Associations
All India State Government Employees Fedration,Calcutta
Gist of Public Suggestions
Suggestions Received from Public (By letter):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Call for suggestions from state Government on Terms of Reference

Letters Issued
Suggestions Received

Topics on which notes are required from state Government

Topics on which notes are required from state Government


Thirteenth Finance Commission

Sr No. Statement Subject Page No. Document
1. 1 Summary of Revenue & Capital Account 1-2
2. 2 Revenue Receipts 3-9
3. 3 Revenue Expenditure 10-27
4. 4 Capital Expenditure 28-35
5. 5 Total Number of State Government Employees and Expenditure during 1994-95 to 2003-04. 36-37
6. 6 Total Number of Employees in Fully Aided Institutions and Expenditure during 1994-95 to 2003-04 38
7. 7 Total Number of Pensioners and Expenditure on Pension 39
8. 8 Rates of Irrigation from Government Sources 40
9. 9 Existing Rates of Electricity Supply and Electricity Duty for different categories of consumers 41
10. 10 Previous and Existing Rates of Bus Fares 42-43
11. 11 Revenue from Forest Produce 44
12. 12 Royalties from Major Minerals 45
13. 13 Additional Resource Mobilisation by the State Government. 46-48
14. 14 Details of Tax/Non-Tax Concessions 49-51
15. 15 Arrears of Tax/Non-Tax Revenues 52
16. 16 Grants from the Central Government 53
17. 17 Grants for Upgradation, Special Problems, Calamity Relief and Local Bodies 54-55
18. 18 Loans from the Central Government 56
19. 19 Assets and Liabilities of the State Government 57-59
20. 20 Financial Assistance from Autonomous Bodies to the State Government 60
21. 21 Details of Ad-hoc Financial Grants/Subsidy received from Statutory/Non-Statutory Bodies 61
22. 22 Position of Deposits 62
23. 23 Details of Government Dues and Loan Written Off 63
24. 24 Receipts, Payments and Balance in Reserve Fund 64
25. 25 Amounts Transferred to and from Funds on Revenue Account 65
26. 26 Details of Calamity Relief 66-67
27. 27 Plan Outlay and Central Assistance 68
28. 28 A Balance from Current Revenues 69-70
29. 28 B Miscellaneous Capital Receipts and Non-Plan Disbursements 71-73
30. 28 C Financing of State Plan 74-76
31. 29 External Assistance received for Financing State Plan 77
32. 30 Expenditure on the Maintenance of Assets and Assets generated in the Plan Schemes likely to be completed by 31.3.2005 78
33. 31 Expenditure on the Maintenance of Buildings and Roads 79-80
34. 32 Net Area Irrigated by Government Sources 81
35. 33 Expenditure on Maintenance of Irrigation Works 82
36. 34 Length and Capital Cost of Flood Embankments, Drainage Channels etc. 83
37. 35 Expenditure on Maintenance of Flood Embankments, Drainage Channels etc. 84
38. 36 Route Operation of Buses 85
39. 37 Financial Performance of SRTCs 86-87
40. 38 Utilisation of Fleet 88
41. 39 Expected Performance of SRTC during the Forecast Period 89
42. 40 Capital Structure of Power Department and its Working 90-93
43. 41 Per Unit Cost of Energy Generated 94
44. 42 Expected Performance of SEB during the Forecast Period 95
45. 43 Capital Base and Returns thereon 96-97
46. 44 Expected Performance of SPSEs during the Forecast Period 98

Material for Local Body Finance

Letters to States
Notes on Issues